The Golan is a favorite getaway destination for Israelis

The Golan, as a beautiful, relatively undeveloped destination provides Israelis a relaxed, safe experience, much sought after by many with intense lifestyles. The Golan is, to most in Israel, our “Tuscany”.

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Syrian counter-arguments to above objection


The Golan under Syrian control can still be easily accessible to Israeli tourists: same resort, different management. Syria will surely be happy to continue to welcome tourists no matter what country they come from.

After Israel settles its conflict with its Arab neighbors, Israeli nature-lovers will be able to explore the coastal region of Lebanon and Syria in addition to the usual Golan destination.

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If income from tourism is indirectly implied in the above objection, then one needs to remember that losses from Golan tourism income for Israel are only a small fraction of the cost of the continuation of the conflict. There is a significant net gain for  Israel if it settles its conflict with Syria.

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3 Responses to “The Golan is a favorite getaway destination for Israelis”

  1. 4
    Murhaf Jouejati, Professor, George Washington University wrote:

    The Golan is indisputably beautiful. The beauty of the Golan’s landscape, however, does not justify its military occupation. Israel’s occupation of the Golan is, according to Article II of the UN charter, “inadmissible.” That Israelis “relax” in the Golan does not validate Israel’s occupation — whether in the eyes of its inhabitants who have been refugees since its occupation in 1967, or under international law.

  2. 0
    Raanan Geberer, managing editor, Brooklyn Daily Eagle wrote:

    Well, perhaps if the Golan is returned, Israelis will still be able to vacation there, as they now do in the Sinai.–RG

  3. 5
    Brad Allen, Researcher, History of the Mid-East wrote:

    This has to be most ridiculous reason for occupying someone else’s land. If your people are stressed and need a vacation spot, go to switzeralnd, eilat or sharm al sheikh. War is a ludicrous price to pay to have a vacation spot. I am also certain Syria in a post peace time will not only welcome but encourage Israelis to visit the Golan and spend badly needed money to help them improve their economy.

    If you think Golan is beautiful, wait till you visit nothern Lebanon. This is the land where you can ski in the morning and go to the beach in the afternoon. The price of peace is high, but the benefits, if you can only dream.

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